First things first…
Hello! If you’re seeing this post, maybe you wandered over here at random, or you’re here because you were subscribed to my soap newsletter.
Well, I have merged the newsletters because Substack has a cool feature where you can host multiple newsletters on the same site. While I could have done that with the other provider, there was a lot of crossover between my book people and my soap people. So here we are!
If you don’t know, in addition to writing, I also have been making soap for over 20 years. How weird is it to think that 2002 was over 20 years ago? I usually make videos on YouTube, but have found my stamina for filming and editing to be waning as of late, so I plan to be more active on here for a little while.
Something new: I’ll start posting recipes from time to time! A lot of you subbed to the newsletter from my YouTube channel, but sometimes it’s nice to read something rather than watch. I’ll post said recipes, and occasionally write up some techniques.
Just like the book side of things, I’ll offer some free recipe/technique posts and ones that are only available with a (cheap) paid subscription.
Here are some of the popular soaps from this year:
I’m glad you’re here! It’s been quite the year for me to say the least, and your support and kind words have meant the world to me.
In just under a year, I started a new job, written and published 3 books, and made about 20 batches of soap. In between, I’ve started a business for my books, built 2 websites (SOAP) and (BOOKS), and have crammed several classes worth of marketing lessons in my aging brain.
While I’m still not at the point where I envision myself, I’m already this far because of you, and I thank you for that!
Here’s to year 1, and many more to come :)
Fancy a unique T-shirt, quirky socks, or a swirly clock? Visit my Red Bubble Shop.
I was never into poetry, but I might start. Buy Me a Coffee and see what I do with it.